What fees were removed from my settlement?

Every settlement we remove the fees that you owe. These fees are a combination of your merchant discount rate and per-transaction costs. The fees will be displayed in your Daily Activity Details.

Must know:

  • You must have Full Access to Reporting in order to view the Daily Activity Details.

What fees were removed from my settlement?

  1. Within the Portal go to reporting/analysis > daily activity details.
  2. Narrow the date range in the top left corner for a specific time period.
  3. Click 'Refresh’ to get the results.
  4. You’ll see the fee breakdown under ‘Less Fees/Taxes’.

Good to know:

  • Bambora nets the fees from your settlements. This means our fees come out of your settlements before you receive them. 
  • To understand how your fees are calculated, refer to your account summary statement. Go to reporting/analysis > statements > select the statement month to view. The cost breakdown is under the ‘Summary of Fees’ section. Your fees are a combination of your merchant discount rate and per-transaction costs. More in-depth information on what your fees mean can be found in this help doc.
  • If you process Amex, these sales won’t be shown in the daily activity details. You’ll find them shown in your statements.
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