How can I confirm that I got my settlement?

At the end of the settlement cycle, your funds will be deposited into your bank account.

To confirm your settlement, you must compare your bank statement and the Settlement Summary report, found within the Portal.

Must know:

  • Your user must have Full Access permissions to Reporting to view the Settlement Summary report.
  • If you do not see the Settlement Summary report within the Portal, this means your processor handles your settlements. You will need to contact your processor for this information.

How can I confirm that I got my settlement?

1. Within the Portal, go to Reporting/Analysis > Settlement Summary.

2. Narrow the dates in the top left corner to show the correct month.

3. Click ‘Refresh’ at the bottom of the page.

4. Within this summary report, you will see send date and state columns on the right-hand side.

  • The send date is the date we send your daily balance to your bank for processing.
  • The state indicates where the settlement is in its cycle. Hover your cursor over the state to expand the abbreviations.

5. If the settlement is approved, you should see the funds in your bank account the next business day.

6. Compare your settlement summary report to your bank statement.

Good to know:

  • Your Settlement Summary report can be narrowed by date in the upper left-hand corner. You can search the Portal for records up to two years prior
  • When reviewing your bank statement, Bambora’s settlement should include “BAM” in the line item.
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