How do I reconcile my settlements?

If you are having issues reconciling your settlements you can use the Daily Activity Details Report. This report will provide you with:

  • Card type sales and returns.
  • Any potential reserves that are held or being released. 
  • Chargeback amounts.
  • Chargeback fees.
  • The daily balance that is sent to your bank. 

Must know:

  • You need to have Full Access to Reporting in order to view and download the Daily Activity Details Report.
  • If you do not see the Daily Activity Details Report within the Portal this means your processor handles your Settlements. In this case, you will view this information with your processor.
  • To view AMEX or Discover sales you must download the report from the Portal. 
  • You can download your Daily Activity Details within the Portal up to two years prior.

How do I reconcile my settlements?

  1. Within the Portal go to Reporting/Analysis > Daily Activity Details.
  2. Narrow the dates on the top left hand corner of the screen for specific periods.
  3. Click ‘Update.’
  4. Use the data to reconcile your settlements.

Good to know:

  • This report only downloads the information in txt format. You can drag the txt downloaded file into excel for easier viewing. 
  • The Settlement Report will confirm when you should see the funds appear in your bank account. 
  • Anything within brackets under the Transaction or Chargeback Less Fees column is being credited to you.
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