How can I limit user access?

Once a user has been created, you can assign the access each user has to all areas of your account. 

You can select different access levels to determine how much control each account user has, such as viewing or updating information within your account.

Must know:

  • Only an administrator can make these changes.

How can I limit user access?

  1. Within the Portal go to Administration > User Manager.
  2. Click on the user name of the person you wish to assign access to.
  3. Change the permission for this user to anything you deem necessary.
    • Full Access: Can read and modify information on a page.
    • Read Only: Can only read the information on a page.
    • Purchase Only: Can complete a purchase, but cannot process other transaction types. Only available for Web Terminal processing. 
    • No Access: Blocks the user from reading or managing specific pages.
  4. Click 'Update' to save these changes.

Good to know:

  • If a user with administrator privileges is leaving the company, assign administrative access to a second account before removing the primary administrator user.
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