How do I reset my MFA?

There are instances when a user may need to reset their existing MFA enrollment, particularly when they acquire a new device.

Must know:

  • Users can reset their own MFA if they have access to the original device used for enrollment and are successfully logged into their account.
  • If the original device is unavailable, users will need assistance from an administrator user to reset MFA on their behalf for each merchant account.
  • If an administrator user is unable to log into an account or requires their MFA reset, please reach out to our Customer Care team.

How do I reset MFA?

  1. Within the Portal, go to Administration > User Manager.
  2. Select the username you would like to reset MFA. 
  3. Click on the MFA Reset button.
  4. You will be prompted to confirm your decision to reset this user's MFA. Once confirmed, the user's MFA will be reset.


Good to know:

  • After MFA has been reset on your account, you will follow the same steps to enroll again. You can find the instructions in our enrollment guide
  • Once the MFA has been reset, it cannot be undone. The user will need to log in again and re-enroll their device.
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