How do I see my settlements?

To view your settlements and the date you can expect to see them within your bank account, we suggest you view the Settlement Summary Report.

Must know: 

  • You need to have Full Access to Reporting in order to view and download the Settlement Report.
  • If you do not see the Settlement Report within the Portal this means your processor handles your settlements and we do not have access to them.
  • You can download your Settlement Reports within the Portal up to two years prior.

How do I see my settlements?

  1. Within the Portal go to Reporting/Analysis > Settlement Summary.
  2. Narrow the dates on the top left hand corner of the screen for specific periods. 
  3. Click ‘Update.’

Good to know: 

  • Worldline nets the fees from your settlements. This means we will gather our fees from your settlements before you receive them. You will be able to view the breakdown within the Settlement Summary Report. 
  • The Settlement Report will provide you with a Send Date. You will see the funds in your bank account the following day. This Send Date does not account for weekends or stat holidays. 
  • The Daily Balance column reflects the funds you will see on your bank statement.
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