How do I reactivate a Recurring Billing profile?

You are able to reactivate a Recurring Billing Profile that is in the on-hold or closed state. 

Must know:

  • You must have Full Access to Recurring Billing in order to make changes to a Recurring Billing profile.
  • Select 'process back payments' to process any missed payments from when the Recurring Billing Profile was put on hold or closed. When the Recurring Billing profile is updated to ‘Active’ all missed payments from the date you put the profile ‘On hold’ or ‘Closed’ will process.
  • If you do not want to process back payments, leave the ‘process back payments’ box unchecked before changing the profile back to ‘Active’.

How do I reactivate a Recurring Billing profile?

  1. Within the Portal, go to Processing > Recurring Billing.
  2. Click on the profile you want to reactivate.
  3. Review the settings to make sure they are correct.
  4. Select ‘Active’ from the drop-down next to “Billing State”. 
  5. Click 'Update'.
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