How can I review my Recurring Billing Profiles?

Once you’ve started processing Recurring Billing Profiles you may want to review the profiles to check when they were last billed and when they will be billed again. 

Must know:

  • You must have Read Access to Recurring Billing in order to view a Recurring Billing Profile and Full Access in order to do any changes.

How can I review my Recurring Billing Profiles?

  1. Within the Portal go to Processing > Recurring Billing.
  2. Here you will see a list of all the Recurring Billing Profiles you have created. You will be able to see when it was created, when it might expire, its last and next billing date, and the status of the profile.
  3. You can drill further into a Recurring Billing Profile and its settings by clicking on it.

Good to know:

  • A Recurring Billing Profile can be in active (A), on hold (O), or a closed (C) state.
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