How can I bulk upload Recurring Billing Profiles?

If you have recurring billing customer profiles from another source other than Bambora, you may want to import them when switching to Bambora. Our staff will be able to do the bulk import, but we need you to create the file.

Must know:

  • There is a $25 service fee to bulk import Recurring Billing Profiles.
  • Your Bambora account status must be Live.
  • You will need to have Recurring Billing enabled on your account. 
  • Only send the file through a SSH File Transfer Protocol, which Bambora will set up. This keeps the payment data secure and complies with PCI standards.

How can I bulk upload Recurring Billing Profiles?

  1. You will need to prepare your Recurring Billing Profile bulk file. You can download a template spreadsheet here. Please save the file as .csv (comma delimited).
  2. Contact Customer Care to request a SSH File Transfer Protocol to submit your file.
  3. You will receive an email with instructions on how to upload your files securely.
  4. Once uploaded you will be notified via email that the process is complete.

How to create a Recurring Billing file

  1. Do not skip, reformat, or change the order of the fields below. 
  2. If you are using a text-file format (ex. Notepad), please use commas to separate the data.

Line item entry


Data type


Billing Name


Max. 32 alphanumeric characters

Recurring billing account holder name.

Billing Address 1


Max. 64 alphanumeric characters

First line of the customer’s recurring billing profile address.

Billing Address 2


Max. 64 alphanumeric characters

Second line of the customer’s recurring billing profile address.

Billing City


Max. 32 alphanumeric characters

Customer's city.

Billing Province ID


2 characters

Customer’s province of location. Use one of the available ISO province codes.

Billing Country ID


2 characters

Customer’s country of location. Use one of the available ISO country codes.

Billing Postal Code


Max. 16 alphanumeric characters

Postal code associated with the customer’s recurring billing profile address.

Billing Email Address


Max. 64 alphanumeric characters

Customer’s email address. 


Billing Phone Number


Max. 32 alphanumeric characters

Customer phone number.

Format: 555-555-5555 or 5555555555 will both work. 

Billing Card Owner


Max. 32 alphanumeric characters

Name of the credit card owner.

Billing Card Number


Max. 19 digits

Customer’s credit card number.

Billing Card Expiry


4 digits

Customer credit card expiry. 

Format: MMYY

Billing Start Date


10 digits

Date of the first charge against the customer’s recurring billing account. Format: YYYY-MM-DD.

Billing Start Period From


10 digits

Use this variable if you want the billing date to be different than the end of the month. This field is empty if the End of Month = true, otherwise use format YYYY-MM-DD.

Billing Never Expires


1 or 0

1 – Expiry date specified in Billing Account Expiry.

0 – No expiry date and the Billing Account Expiry is left blank.

Billing Account Expiry


10 digits

Expiry date for the recurring billing account. Format: YYYY-MM-DD.

Billing Period


D, W, M or Y

Use with Billing Increment to indicate

the frequency of billing. 

D – Days

W – Weeks

M – Months

Y – Years

Billing Increment


Max. 3 numeric characters

Specify the number of periods between billings. E.g. If Billing Period is D and Billing Increment is 7, the customer is billed every seven days.

Billing Amount


Max. 8 alphanumeric characters

Recurring billing amount e.g. 123.58

Billing Disable Tax 1


1 or 0

Add or remove the customer account primary tax settings.

1 – HST/GST is applied to the profile, based on the customer’s province. The tax table decides whether to charge HST/GST depending on where the customer is, in relation to the merchant’s province.

If the merchant and the customer are in the same province, then HST/GST is applied. If you are using custom tax calculations, this field charges tax based on the tax amount specified in the Bambora account.

0 - Remove Tax 1

Billing Disable Tax 2


1 or 0

Add or remove customer account secondary tax settings. This field is only used with custom tax calculations.

1 – This field charges tax based on the tax amount specified within the Bambora account.

0 - Remove Tax 2

Billing End Month


1 or 0

Flag the account to always bill on the last day of each calendar month.

1 – Enabled

0 – Disabled

Billing Back Payment


1 or 0

Specify processBackPayments=1 to process back payments and charge the customer for any missed invoices when an account is reactivated.

Specify processBackPayments=0 to reactivate the account without charging back payments.

Billing Order Number


Max. 30 alphanumeric characters

Specify a unique order or customer number for the recurring billing profile. This overrides any recurring billing order number already stored in the system.

ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5


Max. 256 alphanumeric characters

Account modification API allows merchants to include data in up to 5 custom reference variables. Information stored in these fields is returned with each recurring billing transaction for the customer’s account.

Good to know:

  • Do not rearrange, skip or delete any of the columns within the file you send.
  • The process will be completed within 10 business days after the request has been received.
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