How do I automatically decline transactions with incorrect billing/credit card information?

There are many risk tools available to help reduce the chance of fraudulent activity and minimize chargebacks from occurring on your account. Transaction Reversal Options are an excellent example of a tool that can further secure your account.

Transaction Reversal Options will automatically decline a transaction if the information the card owner provided does not exactly match the information on file with their card issuing bank. By requiring your consumers to enter the most accurate transaction information possible, you are significantly increasing the security of your account.

Must know: 

  • You must include a Source Type to enable your Transaction Reversal Options.
  • Source Types include:
    • Internet Orders - any transactions made using Checkout or via the API.
    • Web Terminal - any transaction made within the portal using the web terminal.
    • Recurring Billing - any transaction processed through the recurring billing service.
    • Back Office - any transaction made within the Portal not using the Web Terminal.
    • Mobile -  any transaction made using a card swiper, or mobile terminal.
    • Internet Recurring Billing - any transactions made using the API and creating a recurring billing profile.

How do I automatically decline transactions with incorrect billing/credit card information?

  1. Within the Portal go to Administration > Account Settings > Order Settings to enable any reversal options that work best for how you process.
  2. To require consumers to enter accurate billing information, select the Address Verification Service (AVS) reversal options.
    • We recommend enabling only the “AVS Postal/Zip Code Mismatch” option as the Street Mismatch is extremely sensitive and may result in a high decline rate.
  3. To ensure transactions only process with accurate CVD information, select the CVD reversal options.
  4. The CVD is the three digit security code on the back of a credit card. 
  5. Click ‘Update’ at the bottom of the page to save any changes.

Good to know: 

  • Requiring the consumer to enter a billing address will ensure that each transaction processed on your account passes sufficient information to utilize the AVS reversal options. 
  • You can view your transaction report to see which transactions declined due to the transaction reversal options you have enabled. CVD reversals will decline with decline code (821) and AVS reversals will decline with decline code (822).

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