Card Networks like Visa and Mastercard, have wallets that allow consumers to securely store their payment information and make purchases without carrying a physical card. As the trend of mobile payments continues to grow, accepting this payment method can ensure that you keep up with consumer’s payment needs.
These wallets provide a faster and more convenient payment method for consumers. Both of these benefits can help reduce shopping cart abandonment rates and lead to more purchases made on your website.
Must know:
- To accept card networking wallets, you must ensure that your integration includes the required payment requests to process wallet transactions. More detailed information regarding how to integrate with Visa Secure Remote Commerce and MasterPass can be found in our Developer Documentation.
- Once you complete your integration to support card networking wallets, you must contact our Customer Care team to have us enable the service on our end.
Good to know:
- Visa Secure Remote Commerce and MasterPass integrations are not compatible with 3D secure.