How do I set my Risk Threshold for transactions?

You can set your own transaction risk levels and automatically block potentially fraudulent transactions using a tool called Risk Thresholds.

Risk Thresholds will produce a risk score on each transaction, which represents the probability of the transaction being fraudulent. The risk score is calculated using a number of monitoring elements such as geolocation checks, proxy detection, IP tracking, and bank identification number checks.

Based on this evaluation, transactions are assigned a risk score between 0.01 and 100. The risk score represents the probability that the transaction is fraudulent. For example, a score of 10 represents a 10% probability that the transaction is fraudulent. A score of 90 represents a 90% probability that the transaction is fraudulent.

Risk Thresholds is a proactive way of protecting your account against fraudulent transactions and reduce the risk of chargebacks.

Must know: 

  • Risk Thresholds must be enabled on your account to show on your menu. If it is not enabled, please contact Customer Care.
  • Risk scores are only accurate if you provide the customer’s billing address and IP address.
  • Risk scores do not apply to transactions from the web terminal, batch processing, or recurring billing.
  • You will need to have Full Access to Account Settings.

How do I set my Risk Threshold for transactions?

  1. Within the Portal go to Administration > Account Settings > Risk Thresholds.
  2. The default is configured as a Decline for 60 and a Warn for 30. You can edit this depending on your unique business needs. (minimum 0.01; maximum 100).
  3. Click 'Update' to save these changes.

Good to know:

  • For transactions that are greater than or equal to your decline value, the transaction will automatically decline. The transaction line item will be highlighted red on your transaction report. 
  • For transactions lower than your decline score and greater than or equal to your warn score, you will get an email notification to review the transaction details. The transaction will still process, and will be highlighted in yellow on your transaction report. 
  • We recommend that you periodically review your transactions and take note of which ones are blocked by the Risk Thresholds service and which ones aren't. If necessary, you can make adjustments to fit your needs.
Risk Monitoring Elements Defined

GeoIP Location Checks

This is trying to match the consumer’s IP address and the location they provided.

Proxy Detection

This identifies if a consumer’s IP address is using a proxy, and what type of proxy.

Emails and Login Checks

Email and login information is compared against known high-risk emails.

Bank Checks

Consumer’s credit card and bank information are checked to determine a match.

Address and Phone Number Checks

Consumer’s phone and address information is investigated to look for a match against high-risk shipping addresses and information.

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