How do I calculate tax on my Recurring Billing transactions?

You may want to add tax automatically to your Recurring Billing transactions. You can set the tax rate within the Portal and the tax will automatically be added to your Recurring Billing transactions. 

Tax can only be systematically applied to Recurring Billing transactions. For any other transactions processed through your account, the tax will need to be added to the total amount before submitting the payment.

Must know:

  • You must have Full Access to your Account Settings to make these changes.

How do I calculate tax on my Recurring Billing transactions?

  1. Within the Portal go to Administration > Account Settings > Tax Settings.
  2. Select ‘Custom Tax Calculation’ or ‘Fixed Tax Calculation’.
    1. For Custom Tax Calculation, you will need to enter the name you wish to use (GST, HST, etc.)
    2. Choose the rate (%) you want to set.
    3. Choose whether you want this tax enabled and also whether you want to apply it to customers that are out of Province or out of Country. 
    4. Click 'Update' to save these changes.

Good to know:

  • Fixed tax rates are located in “Tax Settings”, and are subject to change.
  • You can disable taxes on an individual Recurring Billing Profile. Go to Processing > Recurring Billing and select the Profile you want to update. Select the ‘Disable {TAX NAME}’ and click ‘Update’.
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