There are several reasons why you could be experiencing multiple declined transactions, some possibilities are covered below.
Must know:
- You need to be an administrator of your account or have Full Access to Reporting.
What do I do if I am seeing a large number of declines?
Test Mode
- If all of your declined transactions are coming through as Transaction Declined (7) your account may still be in test mode. Accounts that are in test mode will only accept our test cards.
- If you would like to process real credit cards, you will need to request that you account Go Live by emailing and state Go Live with your account. Please include your Merchant ID in your email.
IP Restriction
- If all of your declined transactions are coming through as Restricted Card or IP (51) please review your transaction filtering settings and ensure that you’re not blocking your transactions by going to Administration > Account settings > Transaction filtering.
- If you are seeing transaction amounts that are whole numbers, multiples of 10, or outside of your regular volume these could be indicators of carding. You can read more on carding throughout our documentation, or reach out to the Customer Care team.
Good know:
- You can view the reason codes for a declined transaction within the Reporting/Analysis tab in the Portal.
- Reporting/Analysis > click on the declined transaction > look for the response code
- Response Codes