How can I review my Chargebacks?

If a Chargeback is applied against you, you will be able to view the transaction details and state of the Chargeback within the Portal.

Must Know:

  • If a Chargeback is applied against you, the Administrator of the account would have received an email notification. 
  • You will only be able to view the Chargeback Report if you receive settlement from Bambora. If you do not see the Chargeback Report within the Portal, your processor handles your Chargebacks.

How can I review my Chargebacks?

  1. Within the Portal, go to Reporting / Analysis > Chargeback Report.
  2. Narrow your search by adjusting the start and end date in the top left corner of the screen.
  3. Click ‘Refresh’.
  4. Click on the Chargeback line item to view the transaction details that the Chargeback was applied against.

Good to Know:

  • There are four Chargeback states within this report:
    • CB means the Chargeback is still under review, or the consumer has won the dispute.
    • RETC is a returned Chargeback. You may have returned the funds before the Chargeback was filled. You will still need to submit your dispute documentation and provide proof of the refund.
    • REVC means that you have won the dispute. The chargeback amount and chargeback fee will be returned to you.
    • SDR is a Sales Draft Request. The consumer’s issuing bank is requesting a copy of a signed sales receipt or other suitable documentation to prove the transaction is valid.
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