How do I dispute a Chargeback?

To dispute a Chargeback, you must gather and submit documentation that supports your side of the story. You can include receipts, email correspondence with the consumer, invoices, or any additional information that you believe will help prove the purchase was legitimate.

The only way to win a Chargeback case is to submit your supporting documentation within the required timeframe of 10 days. If you do not dispute a Chargeback, the consumer will win the chargeback case, and the funds for the transaction will go to the consumer’s credit card.

Must know:

  • Any additional context you can provide will help your chances of winning the chargeback investigation. There is no such thing as too much supporting documentation.

Good to know:

  • If you receive a Chargeback notification from Bambora directly, you will send your supporting documentation to the party specified in your email. Depending on the Chargeback case, you will be sending this information directly to the card brand, or you will be forwarding the information to our team at Bambora.
    • Please note that Bambora is only relaying information from the card brands; however, we will work with merchants to assist you in where to get more information or where to dispute a chargeback.
  • You can monitor the outcome of your dispute using the Chargeback report located under the reporting/analysis tab of your portal. Any updates to the investigation, or the card network’s final decision, will be shown in this report.
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