How do I connect a Checkout form to my website?

Checkout is a hosted webpage that can be implemented in a number of ways, including having your own website directing customers to it for payment processing. This is a front-end solution we provide at no additional charge.

Must know:

  • You may need your own web developer to implement the redirect and manage the linking between your own website and the Checkout solution. Bambora cannot manage your website and how the redirect is implemented from it.

How do I connect a Checkout form to a website

  1. Create a Checkout link or use an existing link.
  2. Have your developer implement a redirect to point to your Checkout link.
  3. You can also have your customers re-directed back to your website after submitting a transaction.
    • Within the Portal go to Administration > Account Settings > Order Settings
    • Under “Transaction Response Pages” update the links. By default, we have an approved or decline message prompted for the customer.

Good to know:

  • For extra security, it’s ideal to have CAPTCHA implemented on your redirect.
  • If you don’t want a redirect, we recommend using our Custom Checkout solution which allows you to embed it within your own webpage.
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