Hash key and username/password validation are essential tools for connecting your Bambora gateway to a third-party shopping cart or when creating payment links. However, they can not be used in conjunction with one another.
Must know:
- You need to be an administrator of your account or have Full Access to the ‘Account Settings’ to make these changes
- This is private information that should not be shared across public platforms.
- Hash key and username/password validation can not be used at the same time. Hash validation is always necessary when creating payment links, while username/password validation is usually used when integrating with a 3rd party shopping cart.
How do I use Hash Validation or the Username Authentication?
- Within the Portal go to Administration > Account Settings > Order Settings.
- Scroll down, under Payment Gateway > Security/Authentication, you will find your username/password validation or hash validation.
- Edit the information as necessary to ensure that it matches what your third-party provider is requiring, or what you are entering into the Link Builder when creating a payment link.
- Click 'Update' to save these changes.
Good to know:
- To create a payment link, we require the hash-key validation (not username/password).
- The username/password validation credentials should be different than what your Bambora login credentials are. These are separate credentials.