How do I make the billing address mandatory?

Increasing the information required to make a purchase is a good step towards reducing the risk of fraud occurring on your account. An easy way to make this change is to require the consumer’s billing address to be entered for each transaction.

Must know: 

  • When your account is created, only the information present on the credit card is required to process a transaction. This includes the consumer’s name, credit card number, expiry date, and CVD.

How do I make the billing address mandatory?

  1. Within the Portal, go to Administration > Account settings > Order settings.
  2. Under the Payment Gateway heading, unselect the ‘billing address optional’ setting.
  3. Click the Update button at the bottom of the page to save the change.

Good to know: 

  • Making the billing address mandatory allows you to enable Transaction Reversal Options on your account. These options help to reduce the risk of fraudulent transactions processing through your account. 
  • When including the billing information, both the country and province must be passed in the transaction request.

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