Once your account has been set to a Live status, you can process credit card payments. By default, many of the available Risk Tools on your account are not enabled. Your account is set up in this manner to allow you to customize the security of your account to best suit your processing needs.
With a wide range of fraud protection and authentication tools to choose from, you can create the perfect blend of security to keep your business safe.
Must Know
- Many of the available Risk Tools are easily accessible within your Portal. These tools can be used to strengthen the information required from consumers and automatically reject payment attempts that do not meet your standards.
- We suggest that you begin securing your account by requiring the billing address for all transactions and enabling the available transaction reversal options. Together these two tools will verify the information consumers provide you to process payments and will help to reduce the risk of fraudulent transactions processing through your account.
Good to Know:
- Continually monitoring the activity within the Portal is an excellent way to protect yourself against suspicious transactions.