The SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate will be renewed on January 4th, 2023.
Must know:
- The information in this article is of a technical nature. Speak to your developer or software/webshop provider if you cannot verify your integration.
- We recommend against downloading and storing server certificates due to the renewal cadence. In the future, a certificate may be renewed without notice.
Not impacted:
- API integrations towards
- Checkout
- Web terminal
- Virtual terminal
- Sage 50
Impacted users:
Anyone who has actively taken the extra step of manually storing the SSL certificate to validate their API calls towards the endpoints.
For anyone who is using the endpoint and is not manually storing the certificate, it will continue to work.
For anyone whose integration is pointing towards, please see SSL Cert Renewal.
What will happen if I don't do anything?
If you are storing the old SSL certificate for validation during your API call, your API calls will fail after the certificate change on January 4th, 2023.
If you are not storing the SSL certificate, your integration will continue to function as normal (with the new certificate).
What do I do if I want to update my Bambora SSL certificates?
Download the SSL certificates from the links below.
How do I verify my Payment API connection?
If you want to test your certificate validation with either the old or new certificate before January 4th 2023, you can do so by pointing your integration to, or for Legacy APIs. Please do not deploy this into production or it will permanently point towards this URL and could impact processing.